As defined by Cambridge Dictionary, the phenomenon of "brain drain" is defined as a situation in which large numbers of educated and highly skilled people leave their country to live and work in another country where wages and conditions are better.
Acording to Human flight and brain drain - Country rankings (https://www.theglobaleconomy.com). The average for 2022 based on 41 countries was 3.66 index points – skale:(0 (low) - 10 (high). The highest value was in Albania: 8.3 index points and the lowest value was in Sweden: 0.6 index points.
In the ranking, individual V4 countries ranked in order: Poland, 4.6 index points, 13th place; Slovakia, 4.1 index points, 17th place; Hungary, 4 index points; and the Czech Republic, 3.4 index points, 23rd place.
It was the phenomenon of "brain drain" our last group of participants decided to deal with, as part of the final presentations of the 21st Visegrad Summer School. Presenting, the participants focused on analyzing the situation in the countries from which they came, i.e. Slovakia, Ukraine, Poland and Albania.
According to participants, the main reasons that can cause brain drain include:
- better economic or professional opportunities
- insufficient infrastructure and resources
- instability and political situation
- insufficient support and recognition
- cultural and social factors
In their presentation, participants tried to find ways to reverse brain drain, or slow it down significantly.
We congratulate all participants for the high quality of their projects and interesting projections on the future and its challenges.